“It’s the retweets that get you in trouble”: Donald Trump in interview with Dave „Stocks only go up” Portnoy
Barstools Dave Portnoy sat down to interview President Donald Trump. Millions watched it. Lots of critics disliked the „softball questions“. But does that really matter?
The guy who told the world for four months that stocks only go up got to meet the guy making it all possible.
What we received were more common sense questions than in other interviews, which made for a very authentic conversation.
Also there where some interesting points Trump made:
About regretting some tweets…
“It used to be, in the old days, you’d write a letter, and you’d say, ‘This letter’s really big.’ You’d put it on your desk, and then you go back tomorrow and you say, ‘Oh, I’m glad I didn’t send it.’ Right? But we don’t do that with Twitter. Right? We put it out instantaneously, we feel great, and then you start getting phone calls: ‘Did you really say this?’”
About retweets that get him in trouble…
„You see something that looks good, and you don’t investigate it — you don’t look at what’s on the helmet exactly, right, which is in miniature, and you don’t blow it up. (…) But I have found almost always it’s the retweets that get you in trouble.“
His best day…
“The best day in my life in terms of business and life and everything was the day before I announced I’m running for president.”
Watch the interview here: